Group therapy

The group’s collaboration is based on the principles of trust, acceptance and confidentiality. No personal communication details are shared and no further contact is taken among the members outside the room before or after the group session.

A group therapy session

In group therapy, a group of 6-8 people meet in the same space (in person or online) to benefit from the interaction among themselves with the therapist’s support and guidance. Group members have already sought individual therapy with the same therapist before they join the group. The therapist forms a group with members who do not know one another and who maintain their anonymity throughout the existence of the group. Each member joins upon agreement and consent with the therapist.

Group therapy has proven to be equally or even more effective than individual one for a wide range of issues. Group therapy aims to be a safe space where people with different stories, backgrounds and requests exchange ideas, views and feelings with the purpose of understanding themselves and the way they relate to others better. In a sense, they practice relationships in a safe environment so that they can reproduce similar experiences in their personal life outside the group setting.

Every group member has got the right to talk about any topic of their concern and to the extent they wish. Members benefit from sharing, commenting on and analysing what happens during the group session. By listening to other people’s stories and contemplating what takes place “here and now” in the room, they get clarity and find answers to their own issues even if they do not necessarily talk about them.

There is no fixed agenda. Members introduce the topic they wish to process and they decide together, with the therapist’s support and guidance, how the discussion will evolve and what the priorities are for the group in each session.

Individual Therapy


Couple’s Therapy


Family Therapy